Spread these fruity jams on hot buttered toast


2 Apple
2 Orange
1 Pineapple
½ tbsp Lemon juice
2 Banana
1 1/2 cup Sugar



  1. In a blender jar, put the chopped fruits, and blend until they are smooth. Make a puree of these fruits and set it aside.
  2. Place a pan over medium flame and add the puree along with sugar in it.
  3. Stir this mixture continuously till it comes to boil.
  4. Once it boils, lower the heat.
  5. Keep cooking it at low heat, and let it simmer until the puree thickens.
  6. Once it starts to thicken, add the lemon juice, and mix well.
  7. This puree will turn into a semi-solid jam. Keep stirring on regular intervals.
  8. Once the desired consistency is achieved, stop cooking and store this in a glass jar.
  9. Serve it with a crispy toast and enjoy.

GRAPES JAM        

Homemade grape jelly made from grapes or natural grape juice


2 cup Grapes
1 cup Sugar, or to taste
2 tbsp Lemon juice
1 box No-sugar pectin 



  1. Wash the grapes and in a large bowl, add enough grapes to fill the bottom of the bowl.
  2. Using a potato masher, crush the grapes.
  3. Add the crushed grapes to a large non-reactive stockpot. Repeat until all the grapes are in the pot.
  4. Add enough water to the pot just until the grapes are barely covered. Bring the grapes to a boil over medium-high heat, stirring frequently. Reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes.
  5. Pour the mixture into a jelly strainer or in a colander lined with cheesecloth over a large bowl.
  6. In a small bowl, add the pectin and ½ cup of sugar and mix together. Set aside.
  7. Place a metal spoon in a glass of ice water and set aside.
  8. Pour the strained grape juice into a large stockpot and add the pectin/sugar mixture.
  9. Over medium-high heat cooks the juice until it begins to boil.
  10. Stir in the remaining sugar and bring it back to a rolling boil. And switch off the flame
  11. Once It cools to room temperature and the gel has thickened to the desired consistency you can begin to fill the sterilized mason jars.
  12. If not, continue the boiling process and retest until it thickens.


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