About online shopping

You could stay home while fulfilling any household needs. You can purchase cleaning materials, bathroom essentials, and even groceries from the comforts of your home. All you have to do is set up your accounts for online payment methods, place the orders, and wait for them to arrive on your doorstep.

You’re saving a lot of time

Online ordering makes it easy to search for what you want and add it to your online cart, it also makes it easier to remove things from your cart without having to reshelf them. Once you’ve added your groceries to your online cart, it’s easy to review your purchases and compare them to your list. Since you’re still at home, you can also refer back to your recipes and check your cupboards to make sure you have everything you need.

offers and greater selection

When shopping online, you won’t have to spend a lot of time strolling, looking for a specific item. If you’re in search of a particular item, you can easily input it on any search engine, and results of where you could buy it would appear in seconds.


  • Safe & Secure
  • Ease of Use
  • Saves time and efforts.
  • The convenience of shopping at home.
  • Wide variety/range of products are available.
  • Good discounts / lower prices.
  • Get detailed information about the product.
  • We can compare various models/brands.

how to buy online?

purchase goods yourself


  1. Search for a product using Kugans shopping
  2. Find an item you like using Kugans shopping
  3. Adding a product to your basket
  4. Continue shopping or buy your product
  5. Checkout and pay
  6. Create an account before you buy
  7. Enter a Billing Address
  8. Enter a Shipping Address
  9. Payment Information
  10. Submit Order

shop online more frequently!

Shopping can be fun because you're finding new products, you're sampling something, maybe there’s a really cool end cap or a great idea for what to make for dinner at the last minute. You could then enjoy discounted items, free shipping, bulk purchase discounts, and even occasional online sales with Kugans online supermarket.


Kugans is your go-to one-stop-smart-shop for all Indian, Sri Lankan, and South Asian groceries under one digital roof. Stay safe, stay indoors, we will deliver to your doorstep. Keep an eye on the Kugans Blog for more new, informative and exciting blogs.

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