Double sweetness

Prep Time: 10mins

Cook Time: 20 mins

Servings- 8


50g White chocolate

50g Milk chocolate

Cake sprinkles

1 bag Marshmallows (about 20 pcs)


  1. Heat the chocolate in separate bowls and melted.
  2. Prepare a baking sheet by lining it with aluminum foil or parchment paper.
  3. Dip marshmallow in chocolate.
  4. Use a fork to remove it from the chocolate and tap it against the side of the bowl to remove excess chocolate.
  5. Place the marshmallow on the prepared baking sheet.
  6. dip into the sprinkles of your choice.
  7. Repeat with the remaining marshmallows.
  8. Refrigerate for about 15-20 minutes before serving.


Rum balls are not baked

Prep Time: 10mins

Cook Time: 15 mins

Servings- 5


1/4 cup Chopped raisins

1/4 cup Dark rum

3/4 cup Desiccated coconut

300g Chocolate cake, crumbled into 2 cups

1/4 cup Sweetened condensed milk

sprinkles, to coat


  1. Combine the raisins and the rum in a small saucepan over low heat. Bring to a simmer. Remove from heat and set aside for 5 minutes.
  2. Crumble up the baked cake into a medium mixing bowl.
  3. Add in the raisins & rum mix, coconut and the condensed milk. Mix together until all of the ingredients are combined and the cake is now a dough that can be rolled into balls.
  4. Line an oven tray with baking paper. Roll tablespoonfuls of mixture into balls and place on the lined tray.
  5. Place the chocolate sprinkles on a plate. Roll each rum ball in sprinkles or desiccated coconut to coat.
  6. Place in an airtight container and store in the fridge until you serve.



Nice to keep your cheeseboard simple

Prep Time: 10mins

Cook Time: 10 mins

Servings- 5


10pcs Cherry tomatoes

10pcs Green olives

30pcs Sprigs of rosemary

20pcs Cheddar Cheese cubes - 3/4-inch cubes

10pcs Feta cheese

10pcs Cow cheese


  1. Place 10-inch circle of parchment paper on plate. Arrange rosemary sprigs around edge of parchment.
  2. Arrange cheese cubes into a wreath shape, Arrange tomatoes and olives on top of the cheese.
  3. Serve with crackers.


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