Try once this goraka

Goraka is acidic and fruity. The Goraka fruit, often called kokum, is native to India. It is a medium evergreen, shade-loving, relatively slow growing tree naturally found in the local tropical rainforests. The fruit looks like a small pumpkin and is green to pale yellow in color. It can be used like tamarind in fish and seafood curries. Goraka can also be added to slow-cooked meat stews. It is used in reduction diet as well. Goraka is becoming a popular spice in the world because of its potential as a dietary supplement for weight losses and appetite control.


Take correct amount of goraka for healthy benefits

  1. The hydroxy citric acid reduces the cholesterol levels in the body.
  2. Help to control of blood sugar.
  3. Presence of fiber and water in the fruit that enhances digestion.
  4. The fruit is a good source of antioxidants that blocks the multiplication and spreading of the cancer cells.
  5. The fruit has some anti-inflammatory properties that helps in preventing inflammatory diseases.
  6. Promotes Weight Loss.
  7. Increased metabolism.
  8. Reducing the level of stress hormones and controlling anxiety.


The perfect ambulthiyal recipe, try now


½ kg Chicken
½ cup Goraka
1 ½ tabs Salt
1 ½ tabs Black peppercorns
1 tsp Turmeric
1 sprig of Curry leaves
2 pieces Rampe (pandan leaves)
1 stick of Cinnamon
4 Garlic cloves
1 tabs Chilli powder
1 tabs Coconut oil
½ cup Coconut milk



  1. Wash and cut the chicken into 10-12 pieces and allow it to drain off excess water.
  2. Place the goraka pieces in a saucepan and add peppercorn and crushed garlic cloves with a little water.
  3. Cover and simmer for about 15-25 minutes or until the goraka is soft.
  4. Mix salt, pepper, chilli powder, turmeric and curry powder in a bowl.
  5. Coat the chicken pieces in this marinade.
  6. Drain the goraka mixture and blend into a coarse paste using a food processor.
  7. Mix the paste with the drained goraka mixture water and add it over the chicken.
  8. Mix the chicken well with all the contents in the bowl.
  9. Arrange the chicken in a shallow pan on top of banana leaves and pour the marinade over the pieces.
  10. Wash the bowl with coconut milk and pour it over the chicken.
  11. Swirl the marinade around the pan to coat the pieces of chicken.
  12. Add curry leaves, rampe, cinnamon, garlic cloves and coconut oil.
  13. Cook over low heat until the chicken is done.


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