- The first step is deriving cream from milk. For this, boil full cream milk on a low flame in a wide saucepan. Then, let it cool to room temperature. Avoid boiling on a high flame because the water content will evaporate quickly and you will get only a thin layer of cream.
- When the milk cools right down to room temperature, move it to the refrigerator for3-4 hours in order that the cream thickens further.
- Next, pass the milk through a sieve to gather the cream. Then store it during a container in the freezer. Repeat this process whenever you open a packet/can of milk till the container is full.
- Once the container is full, defrost it by moving it to the fridge for each day.
- Add 2-3 tabs of curd and leave it overnight for fermentation.
- The subsequent morning, pour the fermented cream into a blender and add some cold water.
- Run the blender at rock bottom speed for a minute to churn the butter. The white liquid you see is buttermilk. You’ll also use a hand blender for churning instead of your mixer grinder.
- Wash the butter some times in cold water to remove any milk solids. Else, once you heat the butter in the next step, you'll find a lot of milk solids floating around and it will take a much longer time to make ghee.
- Heat the butter on a medium to high flame for 10-15 minutes and keep stirring in between. Use an outsized utensil, because the butter will melt and increase in volume.
- Boil till milk solids starts turning golden brown. The melted butter will metamorphosis in various stages. First, it'll foam, then the froth will evaporate and it will start sputtering. Then, you'll notice white milk solids that look like soft cheese. Keep stirring and cut the stove when the milk solids start turning slightly brownish in colour.
- The melted butter will metamorphosis in various stages. First, it'll foam, then the froth will evaporate and it will start sputtering. Then, you'll notice white milk solids that look like soft cheese. Keep stirring and cut the stove when the milk solids start turning slightly brownish in colour.
- Leave it for ages and the burnt milk solids will sink to the bottom of the pan. Pour it through a strainer to separate it from the ghee.
- Allow it to chill
- Store it during a dry, airtight container. It should last for several months provided you retain it away from moisture.
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