Make your meals more better now

  1. Never season the pan instead of seasoning the food. Don't sprinkle salt / pepper / Italian seasoning into a hot pan and then add plain, unseasoned protein on top. Don't forget to season the actual food too.
  2. Make sure to keep your kitchen clean, especially when preparing food.
  3. Metal utensils will scratch up your non-stick pots and pans and remove their non-stick properties which defeat the entire purpose. Only use wooden or silicone utensils with non-stick cookware.
  4. Don’t use timers when cooking are just asking for trouble. You never know how long something will take, so it's important to set a timer or two just in case!
  5. Make sure not to use more than one cup of water for every pound of vegetables (or whatever else you're cooking). This will help ensure that nothing gets soggy while still allowing everything nice and tender by the time dinner rolls around!
  6. Salt and black pepper are often used in every recipe, but they are not the only seasonings. Make sure to experiment with different herbs and spices.
  7. Make sure to slowly add your cold ingredients to the hot oil while whisking constantly - this will help them cook evenly and prevent any disasters from occurring.
  8. Make sure to set your oven to the desired temperature at least 15 minutes before you plan on cooking anything so it has enough time to heat up properly! This will guarantee perfectly cooked food every single time without any guesswork involved.
  9. The key to success is to cook at the right temperature and to wait until the meat itself releases before you force it to turn. If you fear it will burn, then reduce the heat. Cooking longer at a lower temperature is perfectly fine with most items.
  10. Before you start cooking, make sure you have all the ingredients, think through the timing of the steps and look up directions that might be confusing.
  11. Rinse the rice thoroughly under cold running water to remove any milling agents and excess starch.


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